
View the Project on GitHub dylanslewis/ROS-Manager



This App is part of the Restaurant Ordering System, and is designed to work alongside Waiter and Kitchen.

Current functionality

Manager currently only has core functionality and is still in development. However, the current version provides the following functionality:

Login and Signup

Restaurants can signup to the system within the app, and then login.


Courses are divided into two types: food and drink. This is used to direct orders of these items to the correct areas of the restaurant. Navigating and creating the menu is simple and familiar to iOS users.

Dish options

Ordering a dish from a menu needs to be flexible, as not all customers want their food exactly the same. Dish options allow managers to ensure vital information is provided for orders, such as Rare, Medium Rare or Well Done steaks, or 125ml, 200ml or Bottle sizes for ordering wine. The options' functionality will later be extended to cover entire courses and to allow more complicated customisations of dishes.

Managing current orders

Managers want to have access to everything that is currently happening in the restaurant, and the Overview page lets them see all open orders, grouped by their waiter. Future functionality will allow a more visual approach to this problem, and will enable managers to accept discounts before they are applied to orders, putting them in full control of their restaurant.

Known issues

The app has the following known issues:

How to use

If you want to download and explore the App, please submit a pull request and use the following login credentials to view an account with pre-loaded data:
username: tester
password: password

Please note that Manager has only been designed to work on an iPhone 6 running iOS 8, currently. It will run on other devices running iOS 8, but you may experience layout issues.

Future work

The Restaurant Ordering System is an ongoing project. Now that simple functionality has been implemented, the developer is working on enhancing the experience for chefs, and to cover less common use cases.